Solving the Mystery of Side Sleeper Neck Pain

Solving the Mystery of Side Sleeper Neck Pain

Do you wake up with a stiff and sore neck after a night of sleeping on your side? If so, you're not alone. Many people who prefer to sleep on their side struggle with neck pain, and it can be a mystery trying to figure out what's causing it.

In this post, we'll explore some of the most common causes of neck pain for side sleepers, and give you tips on how to solve the problem once and for all.


  • Poor pillow support: One of the most common causes of neck pain for side sleepers is poor pillow support. A pillow that is too flat or too thick can cause your neck to bend at an awkward angle, leading to pain and stiffness. To solve this problem, make sure you're using a pillow that is specifically designed for side sleepers, and that it's thick enough to keep your neck in a neutral position. An adjustable pillow is a great option because it allows you to adjust the thickness and firmness of the pillow to get the perfect support for your neck.

  • Sleeping on a mattress that is too soft or too firm: Another common cause of neck pain for side sleepers is sleeping on a mattress that is too soft or too firm. A mattress that is too soft can cause your spine to sag, leading to pain and stiffness, while a mattress that is too firm can cause pressure points on your shoulders and hips. To solve this problem, make sure you're sleeping on a mattress that is the right firmness for you, and that it provides enough support for your spine. By pairing this with an adjustable pillow, you can also adjust the height of your pillow to align your spine and neck properly.

  • Improper sleeping posture: Even if you have the right pillow and mattress, you can still experience neck pain if you're not maintaining the proper sleeping posture. To solve this problem, make sure you're keeping your head and neck in a neutral position, and that your shoulders and hips are lined up with your spine. An adjustable pillow can be helpful in this case as well, as you can adjust it to support your neck and head properly and maintain a good posture.

  • Pre-existing conditions such as arthritis or herniated discs: If you have a pre-existing condition such as arthritis or a herniated disc, you may be more prone to experiencing neck pain when sleeping on your side. To solve this problem, you may need to work with a physical therapist or doctor to develop a treatment plan that can help alleviate your pain. 

Sleeping on your side can be a comfortable way to get a good night's sleep, but it can also lead to neck pain if you're not careful. By understanding the common causes of neck pain for side sleepers, and taking steps to solve the problem, you can wake up feeling refreshed and pain-free. An adjustable pillow is a great solution for side sleepers as it allows for customization of the support for your specific needs and preferences, leading to a more comfortable and pain-free sleep.
